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So far Bob Cremerius has created 273 blog entries.

Excerpts from Dr. John Hussman’s Interim Comment

2024-02-27T18:34:50+00:00February 27th, 2024|Categories: INVESTMENT|

Executive Summary In this week’s newsletter, I review the salient points relating to market conditions in Dr. John Hussman’s Interim Comment: February 25, 2024, entitled “Speculative Euphoria and the Fear of Missing Out”. Highlights include elements driving FOMO such as new market highs, possible “soft landing,” a [...]

Are the Inconsistencies in Data Ongoing?

2024-02-06T17:41:46+00:00February 6th, 2024|Categories: INVESTMENT|

Executive Summary This week’s edition continues from last week in looking at Federal Government data released. Real GDI (Gross Domestic Income) and real GDP are typically the same except for some minor statistical disparities, as described below by economist Dr. John Hussman. However, looking at the first [...]

What is the State of the Stock Market & Economy?

2024-01-23T20:10:58+00:00January 23rd, 2024|Categories: INVESTMENT|

Executive Summary The S&P500 has been pushed back to speculative highs. The 0dte options activity, discussed in previous newsletters, by large investment firms creates a very risky environment for individual retail investors. Pundits point to excess liquidity in the market as the reason for the highs; however, [...]

Are Regional Banks Getting Hit with a Double Whammy?

2024-01-09T17:45:52+00:00January 3rd, 2024|Categories: INVESTMENT|

Executive Summary 2024 will present significant obstacles for regional banks. Simply stated, regional banks use depositors’ funds to make loans or invest in Treasury and Agency securities. The sharp rise in interest rates in 2023 created significant unrealized losses from Treasury securities. During 2024 and 2025, over [...]

Is a Soft Landing Likely?

2023-12-05T17:42:10+00:00December 5th, 2023|Categories: INVESTMENT|

Executive Summary With last quarter’s credit and government-spending inspired 5.2% annualized GDP print, combined with the Atlanta Fed’s November 22 GDPNow estimate for annualized fourth quarter GDP growth at 2.1%, calls for a recession have moved to calls for a “soft landing.” The ISM November Manufacturing PMI [...]

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