How Tall Can They Build This House?
Executive Summary Does a lender paying a borrower to hold his money make any logical economic sense? In attempts to boost growth, [...]
Are There Limits to Debt-Fueled Growth?
Executive Summary The current economic expansion is the longest and weakest in history. Why is that? This "recovery" was sparked and maintained [...]
What Happens When You Ignore a Full Cycle?
Executive Summary The stock market moves in bull and bear cycles. Investors tend to be the most enthusiastic at the top of [...]
Should You Believe the Cycle or the Hype?
Executive Summary Stock market hype or the stock market cycle, which is more important? As I have written many times before, the [...]
Does the Potemkin Village Need an Addition?
Executive Summary Presently, the average Joe and Jane have no idea they are living in a Potemkin Village. After the 2008 Financial [...]
When It Comes To The Economy, Who Do You Believe?
Executive Summary In these Weekly Market Updates, I look "under the hood" at hard economic data and present it to our readers. This [...]