Is the Stock Market in a Secular Bear Market?
Executive Summary Long-term (secular) bear markets are normally much shorter than long-term bull markets. However, they usually return stock prices to an [...]
How Will the Fed React to Rising Oil Prices?
Executive Summary Recently crude oil prices have risen to over $90 per barrel, largely a result of production cuts by OPEC. Many [...]
What is the State of the Stock Market and Economy?
Executive Summary The Fed’s response to the 2008 Financial Crisis initiated programs which grew their balance sheet from $900 billion to $4.5 [...]
Which Indicator is Right?
Executive Summary This week’s newsletter will be abbreviated as is the Labor Day work week. The inverted yield curve, which has preceded [...]
Has Residential Real Estate Joined the Anomalies?
Executive Summary With mortgage interest rates soaring, many people expected a sudden drop in home prices. The data shows the quantity of [...]
Rising Interest Rates and a Resumption of Student Loan Payments, Are Households Prepared?
Executive Summary Prior to the pandemic, household savings were trending upward and then spiked with multiple rounds of government stimulus money (see [...]