Is a 61% Drop in Earnings Good?
Executive Summary There is real excitement in the market as the S&P 500 Index approaches its February all-time high. So, in this [...]
Is the Free Market Dead?
Executive Summary An excerpt from Investopedia’s definition of the free market is: “an economic system based on supply and demand with little [...]
What Happens When the Party is Over?
Executive Summary Today’s stock prices are anything but reasonable, and the warning signs extend beyond stock prices. One would think with bankruptcies [...]
Why Does It Not “Feel” Like a Recession?
Executive Summary The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) declared a recession officially began in February of this year. Since March, over [...]
Does the Stock Market Have Bad Breadth Again?
Executive Summary Some investors might not realize that the S&P 500 is a market capitalization weighted index. Although there are 500 companies [...]
How Should Investors Navigate Through the Upcoming Storm?
Executive Summary If earnings are the backbone of stock prices, the question today should be: when earnings tumble, should stock prices continue [...]
Is the Path Set?
Executive Summary The fiscal dilemma for the Federal Government did not begin with COVID-19. Although, the impact of the “solutions” for the [...]
How is Real Estate Holding Up?
Executive Summary In this market update, I take a look at the macro real estate market – recognizing that real estate is [...]
When is the Hole Too Deep?
Executive Summary Subsequent to the 2008 Financial Crisis, the Federal Reserve Bank dropped interest rates to near zero percent and created money [...]